Don't you just love the commericals on and they way they are trying to convince singles everywhere that all you have to do is take their personality test and you'll meet Mr. Right? And of course I'm sure not one person who takes those quizzes LIES. Nu uh. Not one.

What I hate are people who try to "fix me up." By the way, if someone, ANYONE, tells you they have a nice personality, RUN. This means you couldn't drink um pretty.

They think since I'm single, I must not have a life at all. I'm sad...lonely, depressed, and desperate. And that's just my Mother talking. Give me a break! I love being single. And I've even had people say, "that is sooo weird." Yet in the course of the conversation, they will admit how UNHAPPY they are married. And when you tell a guy you're dating that you never want to re-marry, they look at you like "uh huh..sure." They don't believe you.