MustangGal, I have had a little experience with on-line dating and didn't have much luck. I did meet some men who seemed very nice, professional and decent. You do need to take precautions and never give anyone your home phone number because they can get your address from it, use your cell phone. Meet in a public place such as a reputable restaurant. I never did give any personal information such as my employer's name. Don't believe everything they tell you. Some embellish their jobs, lifestyle, etc. Think of marketing principals when you develop your profile.

It is possible to meet someone this way, but don't go into it with expectations. Just think of it as a fun thing to do and a way to gain experience with dating.

Here are some situations I ran into: One guys picture looked about 30 years younger than he did. He was the one who was training his puppy with an electronic zapper. One guy sort of stood me up and sort of was enough for me. I was the one rejected several times for whatever reason, but I've been dating for 15 years and have learned not to take it personal. I met one guy for dinner and he wanted to hold my hand over the table and get all romantic and it was the first time I had met him - eewwww! On my profile I could see that hundreds of men looked at me and passed - not very heartening. Some emailed me, but I could tell they were bubbas or just after sex.

You are correct that many men are desperate. I think they find it more difficult to be alone than we do.

I hope this doesn't discourage you. I only want to prepare you for some possible scenarios.

Good luck!