Thanks for the thoughts JawJaw. I'm sure we'd get along just fine, I like you and I haven't even met you in person yet! Maybe one of these days we'll have a "Boomer Reunion Weekend" somewhere.

I've booked my solo trip to El Caribe, and I am SOOOO looking forward to it! It's really easy to meet people and hook up with new friends at a dive resort. And I've been to this place so many times it's like "home away from home" anyway.

And I know what you mean about "dates." The only guy who has asked me in the past year or so is a co-worker, "nice", but we have NOTHING in common and he is very rigid. If it's not his idea, or something that he really likes to do, he won't. Period.

The man that I've been seeing for years (we're basically just friends now) hasn't taken me on what I would call a "date" in years. I didn't even get a card for Christmas last year. In his mind he "made up for it" on my birthday, but he just doesn't get it. It's not the gift or lack of a gift, I couldn't care less about "stuff." The first year we were together he was having money problems and couldn't buy gifts. But he hand made me a beautiful card, and to me that was special, I loved it.

Oh well. Carry on Boomer Girls!
