Dear Ariadne

The world was designed to see only the physical, aside from religion. Unfortunately, the spirituality of the heart has not been addressed, how to use the application of spirit within the physical world.

And so the men see only what they see and feel only what they want to feel, until the call within comes.

There are many men who are also on the journey to find the peace within. One day, such a one as this will appear and you will be blessed Ariadne.
But you can't look because it only happens when you're not looking, for the mysteries of your heart will bring you your greatest desires.

And the journey of the heart, the road to peace is the greatest desire there ever lived and within that peace you will know greater desires that will also be fulfilled.

One day within the light of time, your heart will draw to you the greatest love and within that love the blessing of life lives and the sharing of hearts, however that appears.

We just have to let go, move within and see the dreams that come and the life that will open up in each step, in each piece of beauty we encounter. For that is the law of the spirit and of the heart.

Be well and be happy, remember who you are inside, the beauty and the peace for that encompasses all and bring the dreams to fruition.

With love