Hi, Czarina, and welcome!
I am never lonely either! When I've been in the "throes" of dating, I've often acknowledged to myself, "This is a LOT of work!!!" There was never any real quiet time, never any time for introspection and reflection, which I need. I like to spend my free time working on my art and the solitude is necessary for me.
I grew up in a 4 room coalcamp style house in the coalfields of WV. There was never any privacy or room for escape or solitude. As an adult, I've always had big houses, even during my 20 year marriage, where I could have a place of seclusion.
Some people really can't function without a partner with whom they plan every activity. That is not me, though I've spent a lot of time since my divorce 8 years ago thinking I should be doing so!
I'm not a man-hater, or bitter or cynical, but this new-found freedom and peace of mind is something I intend to guard and cultivate!