Whoa! It's hard to believe I've EVER complained about being alone. I guess having someone coming to stay with you with demands on your privacy and time is much different than being 'single/alone.'

I guess that old cliche' is true, "Watch what you ask for and be specific when you do ask."

I crave to be alone right this moment. Just as I was writing this note, one of my 'houseguest' came in, stood behind me trying to strike up conversation while looking at my screen. YUK! GO AWAY!

I think I've learned my lesson about complaining. If it was meant to be, someone that I genuinely love and care to spend my time with would be here. I'm not ready yet I can see. I think I'd rather be alone, struggling with my one income, happy with my peace of mind, solo.

Did this belong in "A Fine Whine"?
