Reread my message. I said NO cat thats well fed at home needs to roam and hunt. If you are leaving your garage door open so your own cat can wonder outdoors then don't. Keep it closed and the other wild cats can't get in....If you are worried about these wild ones then put food out for them away from your home because once they've eaten somewhere they will return there again and again. Maybe I misunderstood the problem. Do you or do you not want to end the spraying on your car etc? Thats the only keeping these cats out of there. They spray for territorial reasons. The Humane society can give you traps/cages to catch these cats in and most Humane Societys are "no kill" but you can ask first. Now Dianne if you stop feeding the strays and keep your garage door closed they will eventually leave. If you feel bad for the strays don't do anything and suddenly you'll have alot of cats to feed and keep warm. Look what happened to me, now I foster all kinds of animals. Kiss Sammie for me will ya?