There are so many reminders all around us. What a blessing to be able to recognize them when they are in our reach.

Someone once asked me how I know when Christ speaks to me, if it was in an audible voice or not. I had to think about that for a while and realized that He speaks to us in as many ways as we are able to recognize. Everywhere in nature we can see the love of God. The Bible says that when a wren falls to the ground, God knows. The rainbow, Dotsie, was no doubt God's love for you and His assurance of His care for your son.

I see God's love in the special love a mother has for her child and when someone does a selfless deed for someone else, when a pet goes for help for their owner who is injured or needing help, when that check comes in the mail at just the right time, when a friend calls in answer to a prayer and becomes the hands of God, and in so many ways too numerous to mention.

I hope and trust that I will see the mighty hand of God at work tomorrow in the life of my daughter. I know He loves her at least as much as I do and wants the best for her. I still blame myself for much of what is wrong with Katie and that's why I share in her experience and feel I need incarceration or a "program" just as much as she does.

I like to remember Abraham when God told him to offer his promised and beloved son, Isaac up for a sacrifice instead of the lamb. Isaac asked his daddy, "Dad, where is the lamb we are to sacrifice?" Abraham answered his son, "God will provide the lamb," knowing that it was to be his son. We have to be willing to offer our children to God who holds title to them anyway. They are only on loan to us.