Chatty, it's cool you had different cultures in your house!!! Altho' I don't think that's so strange...

Nik, Sam and I always made Easter eggs a week or so before- to decorate the house. It was a little family thing - we brought out the cups, the dyes, and all the new stuff to decorate - we did this for all the years, even to the last. I kept their baskets for as long as they would hold up. Only last year, did Sam's give way...and every year, Sam would want me to hide his basket - Nichole didn't want anything hidden - I don't know where Sammy got this idea, my own parents never did that...but I would do as he wished (Nichole and I would conspire to see where we would hide it)...One year, we decided to put it on the front porch, with an umbrella over it, because it might rain......Sammy eventually found it, wet all through with egg dye everywhere, and chocolate bunnies melting into easter grass.....the umbrella had blown away!!!!! I was only SO glad he had a sense of humor and thought this was funny - ate the stuff anyway!!!!