When I was writing Beyond the Tears, which is a lot about dads and daughters, my lovely husband (thank you God) told me that I would have to find a redeeming quality for my father. (who molested me and my brothers and beat his wives and endangered his children) My husband is a former social studies and literature teacher; he said even Shakespeare's most heinous characters had a redeeming quality. I could not come up with a redeeming quality of my father's during his lifetime. However, years after my father's suicide, I found redemption in my character in regards to him. In other words, I stopped wondering what, if any, his redeeming qualities were, and asked myself what might be perceived as my redeeming qualities pertaining to him. As I heal, so may his soul rest in peace. I'm not looking for a medal. I'm just saying that in order for me to have peace during my life-time (instead of waiting until death) I was willing to do the inner work necessary so as not to follow his sad fate. Love and Light, Lynn

[ July 31, 2005, 06:34 PM: Message edited by: lynn329 ]