My Dad was a wonderful, gentle, loving father, but sadly, he and I barely knew each other during my teenage years. That painful estrangement lasted many years, until I finally wrote him a letter in my late-20's, pouring out my hurt and confusion over what I had always perceived to be his lack of interest and any outward expression of affection. He wrote me back a beautiful letter, explaining things from his perspective, and it opened my eyes to how I had misinterpreted his behaviour (and feelings for me) all those years.

After that heart-to-heart exchange, we grew very close and enjoyed a warm and wonderful relationship with each other. I'm forever grateful for those years with him, but often saddened by all those unnecessarily wasted years. It's difficult not to think about how radically different my life would have been if we had dared to have that heart-to-heart chat much earlier in my life. It's moot, and we can't go back, I am who I am and it's okay; but now I just hate to see the same sort of misunderstandings estrange other daughters from their fathers.