I don't see where there is any acceptance on your husband's part for the problems in your marriage. He's been noncommital at best.
This was the case with me as well. Richard managed to turn the tables around all the time. To the point that if there was a "Worse wife of the year", or "Worse mother of the year" Award, I was convinced that I would have won that in no time. Not any more BTW.

I agree with Vicki, I think the personal counceling helped tremendously with Richard. There are some things that an individual would like to speak out on in confidence to a non bias individual such as a councelor. When I think back about Richard's case. He probably felt really embarrassed as a man to admit to me about his childhood issues. BTW, even though his mom died years ago, he has found it in his heart to understand her and forgive her. A major plus towards his healing.

I only point that out to you as an example.

You might want to check out some of the signature lines of some of the other boomers here. They touch on this very issue.

Good Luck and God Bless.
