I know you both are right...it's just that my life would fall apart and it would affect my family, too much - no kids, just my MOM and all. He is a user, I have always made more that him and he has never seemed to be bothered by that. One fact that really sucks is that he would get half of everything...I do feel he has no respect for me since he won't stop these things that hurt me so bad....he serates it in his head from his supposed love for me and alwasys accuses me of being extremely jealous and that's why he has to hide even this "innocent friendship", but it is the situation where the jealousy came after I found out he was and continues to be capable of lying and cheating. If I just shut my heart, though, I could pretend things wee wonderful and have an okay life, but it is alwasy with the worry of what's next and is the next one the one he leaves me for. I really hate this all so much, I understand why those young girls cut themselves or why someone would take heroin...anything to take away the hurt.