Hard crack...

You toss your marble in the air(about a foot high), then pick up only one of five marbles from the ground without disturbing the others (automatic out if you do), then catch the one in mid air on its way back down at the same time. If the two hit together it's called hard crack, If they don't...soft crack.

Anyone ever bury treasure? We did all the time. Old jewelry and pennies, etc. I wish I had that old treasure map now. We buried stuff all over the place.
I have a metal detector that my Dad gave me, I should take it back to Canada and see if I can find some of the stuff. Wouldn't that be fun?

Chatty, that was funny. I wonder sometimes, what will our children be saying to their children about "when I was your age..."

Ok I have to ask, what is swing the statues and red light green light? Tag?

Love this topic.
