Well Gals, I've passed this thread over because ... hmm, well I never know what I'll remember and sometimes those memories are more like nightmares. But I decided to come in and browse around. Boy, am I glad I did.

I remember ALL of these things ... and Sandpiper, I was born in Nov of 49 as well.

Jaw Jaw -- you mentioned dolls and those houses we built with branches beneath a big tree. Wow ... that brought back some really good memories. We really made elaborate houses that spread far beyond the branches of that tree.

Barbie has been mentioned but does anyone remember the Revlon Doll? To me, she was the precursor to Barbie only bigger. Unfortunately, one summer while I was away at camp with my best friend, my parents moved and cleaned out all my toys. By this time my Revlon Doll was pretty old and she got tossed. My mom had made outfits for her and now all I have left is a cordouroy coat with a hood that Mom made. BUT ... I did find myself a Revlon Doll in an antique shop. Not only does she wear the coat but a doll dress my mother made for one of her porcelain dolls.

And what about paper dolls?

Joyce, I'd forgotten about not wearing tennis shoes with skates. We lived in the country but my best friend lived in this huge house with a basement we could skate in. It was great.

And Maggie, I'd like to forget hula hoops, thank you very much, lol -- I could never keep that thing going.

On rainy days, we'd spend hours with train sets. Used a big pingpong table (again, at my friend's "mansion") and built mountains and tunnels with papier-mache and then ran the trains as fast as we could to see how long we could go till they left the tracks and went air born. Or play Monopoly or Sorry till we got bored enough to grab our Archie or Superman comic books.

Thanks for the memories, ladies.

Hugs and blessings, Francine