We've been married 28 yrs this October. We have survived my personality disorder, death of our son, bills and bankruptcy.

How ?

Because we make love (almost) every morning.

Crazy 30 min like the porno flicks do it sex ????

NOOOOOOooo that he's lucky if he gets once in a blue moon [Smile]

BUT - daily hubby gets up and takes a shower - shaves - then crawls back in bed to warm his freezing feet [Smile] then (my back to him) he rubs my back - and shoulders - (by now he knows exactly where it hurts) -- it gives him calm time and as my blood starts to flow thru these old veins and my muscles relax -- it wakes me up to feeling glad to be alive -- we lay in that same position - both on our sides - cuddled up next to each other and make slow loving love -- all of about 5 min worth [Smile]

he's ready to take on the world - i dont have to worry about being "messy" all night and i start my day off with a nice hot shower and all is right in our world

for everybody ???? maybe not -- but its what we've done to fit love making into our world of kids, bills and stess [Smile]