Have you guys figured out that I lovvve to laugh and am a jokester at heart?

One Holloween evening (however you spell that)...my famiy and I made a visit to friends of ours who had just returned from the mission field (they had been there about 10 yrs). The were NOT familuar with the American tradition of "TPing"

While I sat on the front stoop with the family -- my hubby and son went off to their back yard to share the blessed t.p with their yard.

I'm sitting there making small talk - and their teen son comes home. He goes to the back door to let the dog out...and sees the t.p strung EVERYWHERE. He's like, "MOM, what's this?"

I quietly chose that time to make my departure and to continue trick or treating with my kids.

WELL, we get home to our house -- and there is T.P. EVERYWHERE! We had REALLY tall trees in out yard - and they got the rolls way up there. Our friends figured out "our joke" and got us back quickly.

Oh what fun to watch the t.p. melt off the trees with the lovely maryland freezing rain!
