Ladybug maybe leaving her off the guest list a few times would suffice and when she inquires as to why, just say "well it was a gourmet meal that would be ruined unless served on schedule," BAM, hopefully that might get her attention....Its suttle but to the point.

Once my new sister-in-law was invited with her husband (my husbands brother) over for Sunday dinner. i slaved for two days making meatballs, stuffing sausage meat into cassing and cooking my sauce for n5 hours on the stove, the table was set, the salad dished and in they walked only a half hour late BUT the kicker was they said casually when asked by my husband if they had trouble finding the place, "oh no but Pat (the wife)wanted to stop at Burger King for a snack." My husband was so livid I thought he would burst a blood vessel. They just picked at the food and were never invited over again. Oh and believe it or not, my brother-in-law had the nerve to say, "man that sausage & meatballs were was so good, how about making me a couple sandwich for lunch tomorrow?" I did too...