Ladybug, I too have no use for this term "fashionably late" or people who are constantly late. We have a family member who was constantly late for meals at our house. We put up with it for a long time until finally I had had enough. When issuing the invitation, I began to stipulate that supper was being served at 6pm to whoever was there at the time. So the first time they arrived late after that notice, they found us more than half-way through our supper. And the next time they arrived quite late for the 3pm shrimp cocktail, we had already served and eaten the shrimp and there was none left. Ever since that one, they've usually been on time...and when they've been running late, it's been a legitimate emergency and they've called to let us know. In those circumstances, we hold everything until they come.

Dr Phil often says something that took a long time to sink into my people-pleasing head...we teach people how to treat us. Well, I think that's finally sinking in, and I'm expecting people to treat me/us with more respect, and living my life around those expectations (i.e., having supper at the time we specified in the invitation). Now they know we're serious about it, they make sure they're on time.

[ December 18, 2005, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]