Danita, Quick Writer,

You know, like Dan Light Feather - no offense to my American Indian friends, but even they think I'm funny sometimes , but only because I'm very white (pasty faced) with blue eyes and exceedingly curly hair with some Indian heritage so they think I am an amalgamation and don't really count anyway.....(see, we spent 18 years in North Dakota way up by the Canadian border, where only Indians and Norwegians live and also some really weird Irish/German/French/American Indian folks.)

Well, you are just tooo funny and I am just delighted since the only people I know are really way too serious and frankly drive me nuts - they always take me seriously when I am only trying to lighten a serious situation - how in the world can you go thru life being miserable in a miserable situation?

And yes, it has certainly helped my day, moreover, my convictions that life WILL get better!

More hugs,