Well, bb- I'm really not sick of all the tv stuff cause I just put the tv on for noise and pay no mind- I can also have the stereo on and ALLLL the lights and this drives the frugal husband nuts
But- I remember those be a good parent newsletters. I think I was a bit of a nutty mother- let the boys do what they wanted as long as it didn't hurt them or others - or cost me mega bucks in damages- this was OK when we lived in a bigger, more diverse city but when we moved to Lancaster PA- a bit of an uptight world I was bad mom personified! The one phone call I got put an end to that- seems the guidance counselor thought if my sons would dress more like their costudents and not be so ready to spout what was no doubt their liberalmother's misguided views they would get on better
Well- I let loose- told her the goal of education was knowledge and to open minds and accept that the world was not all like this corner of it so, no I did not want my children to conform
They never called again- my kids did fine- graduated up there in their classes and fled this county post haste and I am ranting and raving over something that happened years ago- hot flash alert! [Roll Eyes]