I used to sit down and talk with my husband for hours. After many years, I finally realized that nothing changes because he doesn't want it to change. Now I'd rather play on my computer, because it's more entertaining and at least sometimes I see results.

He nags. Incessantly. Over crap that happened 30 years ago (no, I am NOT exaggerating!) [Eek!] He will start screaming over the same garbage. I used to get sucked into his stupid constant fights. Now I leave the house and let him fight with the walls.

I am much happier without the stress of constant fighting. And I'm not as disappointed with our marriage, because I no longer expect jack sh-- anything from him.

If I really feel the urge to say something, I visit my friends or write a poem.

And to some extent, the behavior modification program is working: he only starts about 1 or 2 fights a week now (we used to have 10-20 A DAY) because he knows I'll walk out.