Dear Eagle Heart

That's freedom Eagle, becoming who you are, constantly evolving, stepping out of all the little boxes in the mind that says you have to be a certain way. It's one heck of a journey isn't it...sometimes like a wild roller coaster ride... but what a ride!

The spirit doesn't want to be tamed! And that's the best gift of all...following the freedom of the spirit for it truly knows the journey that will fulfill you...however that journey shows up.

Sometimes we think it has to be all roses without the thorns but sometimes it's the thorns that bring about the most amazing experiences...being able the feel the heart and soul...the yearning for a life of freedom...the spirit wild and unbroken... the heart broken...pushing barriers never before pushed.

To actually live life! However it shows up...with no control, no blocks, willing to experience every moment to the feel ourselves to the fullest...however that shows up...whatever we doesn't matter because we are just in acceptance of the life force and our forward movement...testing new ideas...playing with the mind...finding the core within.

Now that's a journey! A wild ride of the soul and spirit! I'm with you on that one Eagle Heart!

Thank you for your lovely comments Eagle...they touched my heart!

With love