Kate, I hear ya! I've been in a similar situation. Let me explain.

Several years ago I was in a car accident. I suffered post traumatic stress syndrome and went to therapy for several months to get through it.

Because I was on an anti-depressant I had to see a psychiatrist too. Prior to this I had never been in a therapists office, nor taken medication.

He was one of those doctors who focused on childhood. He kept asking questions about what I did as a kid, how I got along with my parents, siblings, etc.

I shared that Mom stayed home, Dad worked and I had 3 sisters and a brother. I think we carried on like typical kids. No big issues to my knowledge.

I told him I was a tom-boy and spent most of my time outside. Gave him bits of pieces of information that related to all that.

His comment and what he chose to dwell on was the fact that I was rarely home. He said there must have been a reason I wanted to be outside and away from the home. [Eek!]

Get out! For gosh sakes, I simply loved the outdoors, my friends, the games, activities, and never-ending fun in my nieighborhood. My mom had to drag us in at night. I wasn't escaping a darn thing, just living my life doing what I enjoyed most.

He continued to pry and gave me the impression there was something hidden I wasn't aware of.

I remember asking my older sister if she thought there was something I was missing because he made such a big deal out of it. We came up with NOTHING other than the fact that I love the outdoors and my friends.

Live with your happy self and revel in it. Continue the merrymaking! I am. [Big Grin]