Flipperjo, both my daughters are now in their early thirties, and I consider them two fine young women. Yet from my vantage point of some twenty or so years their senior, I see for myself, the evolution of being, they continue to exhibit.

A conversation with my eldest daughter sparked, in part, my original post. She had mentioned to me that she felt as though she was just beginning to get a handle on this being a woman thing. She's thirty-three. She said she honestly realizes how far she has yet to go, in her journey toward fulfilling her potential. She confided in me that she feels she has grown so much, intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally, from who she was ten years ago, to who she is today. Light years beyond her old self, is how she put it.

I told my daughters when they were in their teens, there was one comment I hoped I would never hear, when speaking to someone I hadn't seen in awhile. If after an hour or so of conversation, I ever heard, 'Why! You haven't changed a bit!’ I should then be highly disappointed in myself. My eldest daughter told me she has never forgotten my words.

Flipperjo, I believe we may have had the mutual misfortune of meeting many of the same women...the snippy, the trite and the down-right snotty, whose personal growth as human beings has been, and will continue to be, negligible. One can merely feel sympathy, for such, and a sense of gratitude, that one strives not to share their self-growth restricting traits.
