We just returned from our 1st visit back to TN (moved back to MI 2 years ago.) I cannot speak for Dianne - but I'd give my right arm to be back in TN. Winter there is over in a blink of an eye - we sit here in doom and gloom for 5 months. And the geography is sooo beautiful. MI has it's bright spots, but unfortunately - none where I live.

We had an interesting move back. Our belongings were on a truck and we both were driving our vehicles. I stuck DH with the dog for the entire 10 hour trip (we drove straight thru.) We had walkie/talkies with us and they were a blast. Constant comments about our fellow travellers around us. Oh yeah, I had to stay right behind DH because he was towing his motorcycle trailer with expired plates. Never a dull moment.

I don't envy her - I think I might have about one more move in me - it is such a drain, physically and mentally - no matter how you prepare. Just finding a new beautician is stress enough.....