I'm with you Mary/Agate. While I do like to fly when I'm wanting more leisure time somewhere, I prefer road trips. I took one two years ago with 2 of my best friends from high school. We spent 14+ days going from Alabama to S. Dakota. We also visited Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Iowa...not in that order. It was a fast trip, but I have never had so much fun. The only place we visited where the towns people were NOT friendly, was the Devil's Tower in Wyoming. It was July 4th and almost midnight. The entire town was there to shoot fireworks. They did not like us driving up and watching, even though there was NO admission, and it was a public place with food (which we needed), and restrooms (which we needed more). That was a big disappointment and I hope I meet someone from there so I can relate the story to them. Shame, shame on that town! They were down right rude. We were thrilled to be there...we thought.

I also have a spiritual connection somehow with Ireland. Of course that is where my ancestors originated, and there are still some of them living there, but it's more than that...I wish I knew how to explain it.