My husband and I sought counseling on this important subject and we found out we needed to do a number of things to help make time for each other.

Most importantly, we began having a datenight (once per week). This was so much fun and once we set the date, we tried hard not to break it. Dinner or a movie or even just a walk in Towson or an ice-cream date if pressed for time. It has been a Godsend!

Also, we try to annually to list out our priorities and simplify as much as possible. Too many charges and interests can be unhealthy sometimes. We get a good look at what is top priority and what is med or less. This helps us to prioritize time for us.

PS Date night does not include anyone else.!!

There are books on this subject as well. Look up:Building Good Relationships with Spouses, etc.

Another thought -- we try to walk in the evenings together 3-5 days a week. Boy do we cover a lot of ground (talking) and neither of us misses the TV!

Best one for us: Date night. It's fun!!