
Probably not. A study on lying was done 10 -15 years ago. This study revealed that all of us lie between 2 - 5 times a day. These results were reported on the national news. Oh, most of us, I believe, don't acknowledge that some of the things we say are lies. But if we objectively examine what we say to others I do believe we can corroborate the results of the study. It can be as simple as the answer to, "Do you like my dress?"

Today's news was basically depressing, it can be summed up in the following article from MSNBC, Newsweek - It really could be the end of checks and balances . . . and Alito may prove it:

A Power Outage on Capitol Hill
We are in danger of scrapping our checks and balances—not just for a few years (as was done during the Civil War), but for good.

Jan. 23, 2006 issue - What if we faced a constitutional crisis and hardly anyone noticed? As he quietly mastered the tiresome cat-and-mouse game inside the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, Judge Samuel Alito gave few hints of where he stood on a matter that goes to the heart of what it means to live in a republic. With a few exceptions, the media coverage didn't help. It's so much easier to talk about Joe Biden's big mouth or a right-wing Princeton alumni group or Mrs. Alito's tears than to figure out how the country should prevent a president of the United States from castrating the United States Congress.

Am I the only one that thought Mrs. Alito's tears looked staged?


Remember, this is not about whether it's right or wrong to wiretap bad guys, though the White House hopes to frame it that way for political purposes. Any rational person wants the president to be able to hunt for Qaeda suspects wherever they lurk. The "momentous" issue (Alito's words) is whether this president, or any other, has the right to tell Congress to shove it. And even if one concedes that wartime offers the president extra powers to limit liberty, what happens if the terrorist threat looks permanent? We may be scrapping our checks and balances not just for a few years (as during the Civil War), but for good.
Alito embodies the inherent contradiction of the conservative movement. The nominee is an "originalist," which means, as he said last week, that "we should look to the meaning that someone would have taken from the text of the Constitution at the time of its adoption." But at that time, the 18th century, the Founders could not have been clearer about the role of Congress in wartime. As James Madison put it, "In no part of the Constitution is more wisdom to be found than in the clause which confides the question of war and peace to the legislative and not to the executive branch."
Fortunately, Sen. Arlen Specter will hold hearings in early February on presidential power. Watch them, please, even if you're tired of this cast of Judiciary Committee characters. Our whole system is on the line.
Please, everyone, look beyond your party lines. Look openly and fairly at what is going on. Please don't just fall back on the party beliefs you were born into or even those you developed over the years. Please look beyond the spiritual beliefs someone professes. The Bible says, "By their works, you shall know them." By their works, not their words, not the glow on their faces, not the mantle they wear.