Casey, I, too, am alarmed. Although I am not frightened by the bird flu threat.

Did you know that Rumsfeld owns stock in Tamiflu - the stuff they plan to sell us for bird flu, even though it has been stated that they don't even know if it will work. They're making a big deal out of bird flu worldwide so people like Rumsfeld can make a lot of money.

Yes, we could have a worldwide pandemic. Since those kinds of viruses can mutate into something a given vaccine does not address...what's a person do to? Vaccines don't work against viruses. AIDS is a much worse threat in so many places - especially for our young who think they are invincible. The diabetes rate is on the increase in the country - people aren't eating what they need to eat. There are all kinds of things that are much more likely to kill us than bird flu.

The fact that Bush keeps hammering in his right to disobey the laws as he sees fit frightens me a lot. What will frighten me even more is if our representatives and the citizenry of this country in general buy into it and allow him and his colleagues to get away with it. If this happens, he really will become King George. The Bush Administration is killing the principles of this country from within, all the while saying they are protecting us. I'm counting on the citizenry realizing who and what the man is. If we don't wake up, we are doomed.
From NetZero, USA Today - ever changing his story in the hopes of gaining sympathetic supporters:

Bush: Eavesdropping hearings 'good for democracy'

Interesting that now he says he's for the hearings - with qualifications, of course - what a flip-flopper.

"There will be a lot of hearings to talk about that, but that's good for democracy," he said. "Just so long as the hearings, as they explore whether or not I had the prerogative to make the decision I make, doesn't tell the enemy what we're doing. See, that's the danger."

And this is reassuring for someone who has never had to fight in a war - he's a real martyr:

While saying he wanted to bring American troops home, he said, "I don't want them to come home without achieving the victory."

Casey, thanks for posting your article. It's a worthwhile read.