There is no one on this thread who is a "Bush basher."
O.K. Back to the discussion and to follow on to the point that Daisygirl did bring up. If Mr. Bush's actions are deemed illegal, does that mean all cases can be brought into criminal court? Or, because they are war crimes, do they go to the "secret" courts?
Another one of our freedoms is that we are innocent until proven guilty. I know terrorism frightens us all, but it is still not in line with some of the other deaths that we live with every day, yet we are not complaining about. I've been reading Jimmy Carter's new book. In it he states, "In the most recent year for which data are available, handguns killed 334 people in Australia, 197 in Great Britain, 183 in Sweden, 83 in Japan, 54 in Ireland, 1,034 in Canada, and 30,419 in the United States." Somewhat significantly fewer people (all of them valuable, wonderful human beings) have been killed by terrorists.

Another reason that I am opposed to wiretaps which are unsupported by a court of law is that I am a life coach. Much of my work is done over the phone. People tell me their most private issues and feelings. No one else should be listening in. Many of my fellow coaches have clients who are overseas. Their privacy should also be protected, unless there is sufficient reason, provable at least in the FISA court, that the phone should be tapped.

Without these protections, it becomes, as my favorite mystery novels say, "a fishing expedition."

Peace, all.