Very well said. Not that it will make a difference to those who are looking for reasons to belittle our country and attack our leaders, but thank you for standing up and stating it so well.

The FISA court may have the ability to approve things in 72 hours, but their record is much different as it applies to our present leadership. They have opposed and stalled every attempt by our President's to protect our country and it was all for political gain.

Since Truman, NSA has had the authority to listen to the foreign end of conversations, but not the American end and the terrorists knew that so they planned much of their destruction from within our country. And few of their conversations lasted 72 hours. They simply changed phones and identies.

We need to know what the terrorists are planning. And now that they know we can listen to the American end of their conversations they will find other ways to destroy us. The NYT should be prosecuted for treason for revealing this information in the midst of war.

The information about the violence against our country was there before 9/11. But because we only had one half the conversation, we could not determine where or when they would attack. As a result, thousands died.

Saddam Hussein is a tyrant as destructive as Hitler. He has killed thousands of his own people and thousands in other countries. We should all support a president who takes his responsibility to defend our country seriously.

Mr. Bush has not broken any laws. He has not perjured himself as other leaders have. He was authorized by Congress to take necessary measures to protect our country and he is doing just that. I applaud him.

As to Chatty stating her opinion, she has been a vital part of this site for a very long time and has as much right as anyone else to express her feelings.


[ December 27, 2005, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]