I have a few random thoughts after skimming through some of the information listed above.

1. Just because there is an article on the internet, magazine, television or newspaper does not mean it is the gospel truth. The majority of these news outlets are biased and I did see some of that on some links listed.

2. Spying - I am glad President Bush approved spying on possible terrorists who are calling the U.S. from other countries. He is charged with the safety of millions of citizens and if anything should happen again on our land, his head will be the one to roll.

3. Nations hating us - Some countries do hate us because they are envious of our society, not our democracy, although that is the reason we are a thriving country. They love our clothes, music, movies, and celebrities, but as their people begin to adopt our "style" of living, they lose their own heritage. They envy our prosperity, especially since we are a young country in relation to many others.

4. Economy - Our economy is thriving and the dow jones average will probably hit 1200 before the end of the year, that's a good sign that things are just fine. The unemployment rate is only around 5% nationwide. More people own their homes than ever. And yes, there are home repossessions, but we can't have a law against stupidity. The housing market is fine. People have been speculating in that market but it is slowing and will be back to normal, which is not a bad thing. All is not perfect, but especially considering that we lost an entire city and a global economy is causing change to take place - you must admit, it's pretty good.

5. We are at war - never in our past history have we given prisoners of war rights to our judicial system. It would cause turmoil in the courts and cost a tremendous amount of time and money. These people who hate us and want to kill us are religous zealots who have been taught their entire lives to hate Americans. Why would we want to give them access to our system which they dispise?

6. I don't understand how people cannot see the similarities between Hitler and Hussain. We consider our soldiers heroes who freed the prisoners from concentration camps in Germany, but when atrocities take place in other countries, such as Iraq, some Americans say stuff like, "we can't save the world, or it's taking money away from our schools."

7. President Bush is not a liar. He is a good man and I have total confidence that his motives for any action he takes is for the protection and benefit of our people. I don't understand why so many have such a hate for our President. I wish they could take their hate glasses off and see the truth. Our people need to be more united and get past all this partisianship. What ever happened to the dignity of politics? Our enemies love what is going on in our political arena.
