Well, here I go again...Hi Ladybug and Searcher, I really like both of you and Norma and Chatty and ALL...you are all such wonderful ladies!! Your opinions and replies, the research you do and so many things give me just a little insight into who and why and where you are and where you are coming from.

Searcher,I'm the oldest of 5 children and my parents encouraged dinner table discussions and we were all allowed to voice our opinions and it just got livelier and livelier. We all enjoyed it immensely and we all miss those times.

From what I've been able to glean from what little study I've done. The conflict between the Israelis and the Arab nations stems from the promise to Abraham and Sarah of a son and that Abraham would be the father of many nations. Then they got beyond child bearing years and Sarah gave Abraham her handmaiden, Tamar, who conceived and gave birth to Ishmael. Ismael was Abraham's firstborn but not the promised son. Then Sarah got pregnant with Isaac, the promised son, jealousy erupted between the two and Abraham eventually had to send Tamar and Ishmael out into the desert to live. There has been enmity between the two nations ever since. Also, we as Chrsitians are admonished that we will be judged as a nation by how we deal with Israel. We should always give preferential treatment to Israel and handle them prayerfully as they are God's chosen people and we are his adopted children. He doesn't love us any less. As a matter of fact, we are so very precious in His sight because when his own chosen people rejected His Son, we welcomed him with open arms and spread the gospel. His chosen ones had him killed, which unknown to them, they played right into God's plan to fulfill redemption for all and to open up a new period of grace and forgiveness.

In the final days of time, Russia, China, Korea, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and other middle eastern nations will ban together and fight against Israel in the last and final battle of mankind. Watch the alliances nations are making with eachother. See what nations help each other out and sell nuclear weapons to each other.

For sure though, all eyes are on the prize, which is Israel because they have natural resources galore and because of the Temple Mount which is the holiest of holy places in the world and the most highly disputed.