I agree about the fear that becomes present for some in the unknown. I struggle with the anger that this issue provokes in some. My spirit's lesson for the moment is working for someone who is very "righteous" and very very angry. I know that anger covers fear in many cases.

I have many gay friends, and frankly don't even think about it. It's not what defines them for me. It's as if they had red hair or something -- what does it matter if they are loving, kind people?

I read a great quote in the magazine Tikkun, which was excerpted from a book:

"Acceptance of gays in the church is not an endorsement of a 'lifestyle,' when that word is used as a euphemism for flamboyant promiscuity, but a response to the call of Jesus to welcome every human being into the full sacramental hospitality of the Kindom. This is not a compromise of 'standards' but is in fact a willingness to extend them to more and more human beings."
