Kate, go skinny dip with your husband but keep on your soap box about morals and values.

I'll step on the box a bit, but I'll choose violence in movies. [Mad]

I have never been able to watch violence. It makes me sick to my stomach. This younger generation has seen so much on television and movies that they don't see it as horrible. I'm including my kids in this and I'm the mom who wouldn't let my kids watch the Ninja Turtles. [Roll Eyes] Violence has creeped in as they've become older.

This was most apparent to me when I went to see The Passion with my 15 yeaar old son. I literally covered my eyes with one hand and clutched my stomach with the other as I slithered down in my seat peeking through my fingers to see when I could watch again.

My son watched the whole thing. It bothered him, but he watched every scene. This is a sensitive kid who has a hard time hurting a flea.

I've decided I want smilinize to write the films my grandchildren watch. I'll begin again with the grandkids.