Oyster-ears is back. YAHOO. [Big Grin]

FYI ladies, for months she held the most replied- to post in the forums. It was about kids and television.

I tallied our Super Fresh bills for the last 2 weeks and came up with an average of (and I'm embarrassed)$190.00 per week. [Eek!] And there were no special occasions for those weeks either.

This is to feed our family of four. And believe it or not, it's has definitely come down since our oldest left for college.

Oh yeah, we have a dog too!

I will add that we feed more than just the four of us, especially on the weekends. We tend to have kids hanging out and they stick around for meals too. I don't mind at all. I love to feed people. It makes me happy for some odd reason.

During the week I don't feed their friend's meals because they go home for dinner on school nights, but we do tend to dole out the Gatorade, juice boxes, fruit snacks, chex mix, you name it, to all the kids skating in the driveway, or stopping by after school with my daughter. Her school is only a block away and the word must be out that you can get free snacks at the Bregel's.

My daughter has a habit of baking and giving it to her friends too.

See, I have all kinds of excuses for spending money. [Wink]

I don't even want to see next weeks bill because my son's coming home AND it's Thanksgiving. And when I asked him what he missed most about home, he said, "Good food and my bed". Thanks honey, I miss you too. Just kidding, but it's my fault because I've fed him good food all these years. I take it as a compliment. HA! [Big Grin]

This post is a great reminder for me because I keep saying I'm going to stop shopping at the Super Fresh because it's one of the more expensive food stores in town, but it's so darned convenient.

Come to think of it, this doesn't even include my runs to Sam's Club, but I haven't done one in a few weeks.

Yikes! [Eek!]