Right, Chatty! I fear that too but she hasn't actually done anything to warrant such drastic measures. She does work everyday, her other child attends school daily and the G-baby attends daycare on a reg. Although that's not to say what's simmering in that looney b-witched mind of hers, the authorities usually need more evidence. Unfortunately, sometimes that evidence is fatal. This one needs the prayer warriors for sure.

My son says that he's talking to her very cautiously. If this woman gets an inkling that he's just 'smoothing' things out until he can get his legal avenues together, I do fear that she will snap. My sister says that she calls constantly and is extremely possessive of his whereabouts, despite what just happened not even a week ago.

My Goodness! Where is peace? Since my love for my grandchild is involved, I am too. My plate was already much too full! Grrrrr!