Hi All,
Could you all help me out with some really big prayers. Two of my sisters are in need of some very serious prayers. The first is my sister Trinity and her family. She has two children under the age of three and she almost had them taken away from her for neglect and a very unclean house. Social services had even gone so far as to call my parents and see if they would come down and pick up the kids and keep them until Trinity and her husband Chris could get their act together. Eventually social services decided that my sister could keep the kids and moved them into a homeless shelter and eventually into transitional housing. While there Trinity will recieve lessons in parenting, marriage counseling and housekeeping.
Also if you could pray for my sister Becky and her family. They recently lost everything in the flooding that happened in southwestern PA and are moving to South Carolina to start their lives over again. Please pray for God to watch over and guide both of my sisters and their families. P.S. My sister Becky has a daughter in Iraq with the marines and a son in Marine boot camp.

Thank You for all your Prayers.

Chris Weigand (angel) [Smile]