If there is one thing for sure.....there are no two stories alike. Sometimes the women are unfair, sometimes the men. In my case my husband was making money, hiding it from me and I had three children and was not able to buy food let alone Christmas presents. Two were under three and I had to pay for daycare, no help from him. My money from working ran out in the middle of the month. Thank God for people who give to Christmas Hampers ( I do every year now)
It all depends on the circumstances. If the guy is trying and just doesn't have the money then that's one thing, but when your husband is buying his girlfriend expensive clothes and taking home 5,000 a month and not paying child support then a womans gotta do what a womens gotta do. I asked for no spousal support and I could have got it, but just wanted my kids to have what they needed.
If two people make a baby then they are both responsible to pay their share. I do know that there are wives who spend the child support on themselves and their boyfriends too. Each case should be looked at depending on the circumstances. I'm all for being fair though. And they don't take their licenses away right away. It takes a long time of their not paying to get to that point. They give them lots of chances to come up with a plan. It took five years to get to that point with my ex. That's definately more than fair. This is a touchy subject for sure.