What do I think? You sure you want to know?
Some child support is way too high. gee, dad gets to live in a cardboard box so mom and the *kiddies* and the new SO can live in a nice house. (so sue me)

Not always, but it happens and happens often.

So, let's take away dad's license so he can't get to work - gee, that's smart. Now he has NO money. 100% of zero is zero last I looked and he really can't pay and really gets behind.

My SSB Ex doesn't pay me one dime. And I'm glad if it keeps him the heck away from me. Keep your money, stick it in your ear and stay away. What a bargain.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Don't like it? lalalalala:::I can't hear you:::::lalalala(Can you tell I have a mad - on today? LOL!)