Sugaree, I've also read Warren's book. My husband and I did the study at church. It can be life changing if you take his words to heart. I wish we lived closer. I'd give you my book. I'm sure you can get it at the library.

I've already started. I'm reading Matthew. I read Chapter 6 today. There's no rhyme or reason to how much I read each day. I underline and journal as I write.

Maybe we can share some of our thoughts, journal entries, concerns, revelations, etc, in this forum as we move along.

How's that sound?

I'm excited to have others join in the fun.

I'll start by sharing some of my thoughts from Chapter 6:

Try not to focus on hoarding stuff.
Focus on the reward of heaven.

Use my eyes to let in the light, stay optimistic, and count blessings.

Worship God and forget the earthly things that I can't take with me when I go.

Focus on how He cares for the birds and the flowers.
Recognize their beauty and realize He cares for me more!

Focus on keeping my heart on Him because I know my body and looks will change, but His love for me won't.

Accept His message to relax, focus on my gifts, and find peace knowing He is my God...not money or the things of this earth.

He has my attention. I have total faith that I can deal with whatever comes my way as long as He is by my side...and He is.

This is nothing I'm proud of writing. This is what I jotted down as I went along. Not meant to be published! [Big Grin]