OMG! How funny TVC...YOU'RE A HOOT!

Let me tell you what a friend of mine (my walking buddy) told me happened to her on Saturday.

First of all, her Mother-inlaw is in the hospital and she called Dee (my friend) at 7:00 on Saturday morning and said "I'm calling an ambulance to come and get me and take me home! I don't like this place!" So Dee had to jump up and drive the 60 miles to the "home" (really wasn't a hospital) and calm her down.

Then when she got home, the maid she had was drunk and was mopping Dee's carpet. read it right. Her carpet. With a wring-type mop. When she asked the maid what the H she was doing she replied smiling, "I don't know honey child, cause I'm INTOXICATION." Not intoxicated...INTOXICATION.

Then her son called and said his dog had been kidnapped.

I laughed till tears rolled down my face. You have to know Dee to appreciate this. She is one funny lady anyway...but she was so dramatic when she told all of this. Oh and about the dog. It was a 3,000 dollar hunting dog. Her son recovered the dog from a carload of Mexicans in the area who had the dog sitting in the back seat of their car. When the car (going very slowly) passed the son's house, he stopped it to ask them if they had seen the dog. There sat the dog (upright) in the backseat. Just sitting there. The Mexicans said they thought the dog was in heat and was looking for the owner to give it back. It was 10:00 at night. And the dog was male.

Have you stopped laughing yet?