Hello all..I'm late also! I have two children and a stepdaughter. My daughter Amanda is 27 and living in Allentown, Pa...she's an events co-ordinator. My son Josh just got married in May and is 25. I'm fortunate in that I LOVE his new bride..she's a sweetie, and they're childhood friends turned husband and wife! [Smile] My stepdaughter Christy is 25 also and just got her first job as a school psychologist after YEARS of college. She and her fiancee Eric will be married next year in July. My husband and I are blessed beyond belief with 3 wonderful kids who have never given us problems...at least up to now! [Big Grin] I wouldn't trade any of them...Blessings, S.

[ September 23, 2005, 11:10 AM: Message edited by: Sera ]