Doin' really great Beth,

Keep it up! Did you say you were moving? I think this would also be a good idea if you could swing it - the fewer ways that he has to connect to you the better (change your phone number too if you can - you can always call Him about the kids - from a pay phone); and the fewer objects around you to remind you of him - also the better. YOur "last" or "lost" life no longer exists, so why drag it out? I always say, the cleaner the cut, the better it heals.....That's so great you're changing your hours, sounds much healthier for you at least for the present.....And also beginning to think about going out with friends!1!!Yeahhhh. And also I like your analogy - cleaning house. That's JUST the right thing to do!!!!(and of course you won't throw dirt all over it !) Instead, you're taking steps to keep it clean - a lot of steps this week, I'd say....