Chatty, I think it's great that your grandson can go to work with his mom. My daughter works , but on one of her days off last week she went to work with my husband. He has had the same office manager since he's owned the practice. My daughter adores her and got up at 6:00 AM to spend the morning with her. She likes hanging out with dad at work every now and then.

My kids have been working, playing poker, getting together with friends,watching movies, walking to the mall, playing golf(when we had a a warm day),football, playing video games and watching tv. One is snowboarding today, another at work, and the oldest is visiting friends in SC for the New Year. Oh, they have also been EATING [Eek!] and doing the holiday routine of visiting family with Mom and Dad. [Eek!]

Two still don't have their license so I am their transportation. It keeps my hoppin'.