Another source of information on agents and publishers is the Literary Marketplace. It's available at the library. There are a bunch of sites on the web that list agents. Different search engines will produce different results, so try a bunch of them. Some of the lists give the agents' web sites. It's a good idea if you find an agent who has a website to go to that site and check them out. Since the book was written or the list was put together, the agent could have changed their minds about what they like or want to represent.

Another key is to write a good query letter. It's critical. There's a book called The Sell Your Novel Toolkit by Elizabeth Lyon. You can read about it at It's an excellent book. It has how-to information on how to write query letters and synopses for fiction. She also provides samples query letters. She tells you what's good and what's bad about the sample letters. Last I knew she's a writing instructor at a community college. I think the query letters were ones written by her students, letters they submitted to agents.

The key to getting published is persistence, ad infinitum.