Dotsie -- Thank you for your thoughts [Smile]

as you know I wrote this on Belle's 1st birthday -- I'd like to share today -- as it seems fitting [Smile]

on august 27, 2001
my heart broke when i lost a son
than an amazing thing started happening to me
it all began April 10, 2003

this tiny little soul was born
oh i was proud as can be
but there was still a big void
were my heart used to be

i wanted to love her
and feel my heart beat
i was happy and proud
when we strolled her down the street

but i guess i was afraid
to let myself feel
love for this child
then i started to heal

she held on to my finger
looked at me and smiled
i felt a strange "tweak"
where it had been still for awhile

then one night a beat started
one, two, and then three
as my sweet belle lay sleeping
curled in my arms, close to me

i felt a strange warmth
overcoming my fears
i thought i'd explode
and i broke down in tears

for i realized that life had gone on
as it should be
and i had grown a new heart
now beating stronger in me

today my grandbeauty turns one
she's playing with her daddy
my travis, my son
and as my heart fills more and more
my life is content
April 10, 2004

Happy Mothers Day everyone [Big Grin]