I am so "not a celebrity!"

I know you'll find this strange but I didn't write the book for fame or money and I always back off from it. I've turned down Ricki Lake and Queen Lativah (sp) because of their format. Wanted to have the abuser on with the victim, for rating's sake and those people don't care if they get the poor woman killed or not!

For you Oprah Lovers, I used to love her too and she does wonderful things for people but I started noticing a change in her persona quite a while ago and it bothers me. I've been at her show as an audience member and she just wasn't friendly at all. I'm sure she's tired of people wanting a piece of her.

Montel promoted my book so much...I couldn't afford publicity like that but it was because he read on the back cover that all proceeds go to The Hay Foundation, which helps battered women and those suffering from AIDS. That excited him. I'm sure he has all sorts of people on that only want to promote for their own gain, something I don't blame people for at all. I can't begin to tell you how much he pushed my book...so much that my publisher has to re-release it! That means more money for battered women.