The weather channel is on 24/7 -- with your local weather on the 8's (08,18,28 etc) of the hour -- at least in our area and they only tell you the weather ;-)

ESPN is the sports news and nothing but the sports news --

AND if you don't have cable to get these stations - do what I have done -- watch the news one time and note the time the weather and sports are on -- they do it every night at the same time -- and click over to the news at those times.

In between -- play with your pets, kids, hubby -- knit, sing, write -- anything that makes you smile inside -- and let the world roll on ---

because I've noticed one thing -- even missing the news and all the bad in the world -- the sun still rose in the morning ;-)

[ December 20, 2002, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: lionspaaw ]